Investing in Your Health: Treating Hearing Loss

An investment is defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary as “the outlay of money usually for income or profit,” however an investment is not always monetary in nature. An investment in a relationship, hobby, or skill will serve you for years to come. An investment in your health is one that will improve the quality of your life for years to …

Talking about Hearing Loss: Why Your Disclosure Method Matters

We realize that alerting others about your hearing loss might be difficult. Many people will go out of their way to avoid disclosing personal information because they believe it will embarrass them. While it may be hard to do, disclosing your hearing loss has been shown in research to help facilitate communication and improve your hearing loss experience.  Three techniques …

October is Protect Your Hearing Month

October is the time of changing leaves, pumpkins, and warm apple cider. It also marks Protect Your Hearing Month; a national campaign led by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) to raise awareness and educate about the perils of exposure to loud noise.  Where Are You Exposed to Noise? Do you ever feel that sounds around …

All About Tinnitus

Have you ever experienced what could be described as a ringing or buzz in the ears? It may have gone away after a while, but for many it can be persistent. There is actually a name for this condition – Tinnitus—and it affects an estimated 10 percent, or about 25 million people in the US today.  Why do my ears ring? …

Veterans and Hearing Loss

Veterans and Hearing Loss

Those who have served in the armed forces took on the responsibility of putting their lives at risk, and yet some of the effects of service come as a surprise. Though we know that the risks to life and health can come with service, some of the negative effects can remain hidden for years after service has completed. One of …

Occupational Hearing Hazards

Occupational Hearing Hazards

Have you ever wondered if your job is compromising your hearing ability? Some workplaces are set up with this possibility in mind, requiring hearing protection and rotating responsibilities to limit time at any of the loudest jobs. However, other workplaces are not so safe. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is responsible for protecting the health and wellness of …

Understanding Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Understanding Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Among the many types of hearing loss, two are the most common: age-related hearing loss and noise-induced hearing loss. Though they share many qualities, both being classified as sensorineural hearing loss that occurs in the inner ear, noise-induced hearing loss is a special case. What we know about the physics of sound and the anatomy of the ear help us …

Tips for Traveling with Hearing Aids(1)

Tips for Traveling with Hearing Aids

If you have hearing aids, you know how much they can transform your listening environment. Each day you can insert your aids and enter a new world of clearer communication and enhanced listening. Yet, keeping your aids with you while traveling can be a challenge. Whether it has to do with the need to charge your devices or to keep …

Adjusting to New Hearing Aids

Adjusting to New Hearing Aids    

Choosing to intervene in hearing loss with hearing aids is a proactive step in confronting hearing loss. And hearing aids are proven to have markedly positive impacts in the lives of people who choose to invest in their hearing health. They come highly recommended not only by audiologists, but also by the demographic with the most hands-on knowledge of how …