Our Vision

Our vision is to turn the hearing industry standard of overpriced and over complicated into affordable and simple, and allow you to still have the best hearing aids on the market. We do this by being patient centered, creating a better experience for you with your best interest in mind.

About Chesapeake Hearing Aids

Chesapeake Hearing Aids is a locally owned and independently operated hearing health care practice. We provide comprehensive hearing testing and evaluations and hearing aid consultation services to help our patients select hearing products that are appropriate for their hearing prescription and address their individual needs and lifestyles.

At Chesapeake Hearing Aids, hearing health care services are delivered in a comfortable and professional clinic with state-of-the-art testing equipment. Your hearing aid fitting and programming appointments are the most important appointments. The ability to hear speech and sounds more clearly is the goal of hearing aid fittings.

According to a recent survey performed by “The Hearing Review” over 65% of hearing aid fitters do not use Real-Ear Measurements (the gold standard) for hearing aid fittings, but instead use manufacturers “first fit” programs that are not specific to your individual hearing. Hearing aid fittings using real-ear measurements resulted in superior outcomes in both quiet and noisy environments.

We use science-based hearing aid programming with Live Speech Mapping and Real Ear Measurements with the latest technology so that you can clearly understand and see what you can and cannot hear, and to insure you are receiving the precise level of amplification needed at every frequency.

Chesapeake Hearing Aids is proud of the fact that we provide the best evidence -based care to ensure that your hearing aids are providing you with the best results.

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Meet Kelly Higgins


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