Encouraging a Loved One to Take a Hearing Test

Encouraging a Loved One to Take a Hearing Test

If you notice someone close to you asking to repeat yourself more often than not, they most likely have a hearing loss. It is common for miscommunication caused by this disorder to make it hard to communicate and cause stress in relationships. It is also very common for the person with the impairment to have no knowledge or be in denial of their hearing disability. This is because hearing loss often starts slowly, diminishing only some tones or pitches. 

Many don’t even realize how bad their hearing has become as they forget the sounds of leaves rustling in the breeze or birds chirping. On average it takes people seven to ten years from the time they begin to suspect they have a hearing loss to seek treatment. This is quite a lot of time to suffer the strain on relationships caused by this condition, especially when treatment is found to be so successful. If someone close to you is dealing with hearing loss take it upon yourself to suggest to them that they have their hearing tested. Here are a few methods to make it go as gentle as possible.

Signs of hearing loss

The first step to treating a hearing loss is recognizing the signs, so you can point them out to a loved one. The most common one is that they ask you to repeat yourself very regularly. Another one which causes tension in many homes has to do with turning the TV volume up to the maximum just to hear. It may not seem very loud to them but to you with healthy hearing, the television may sound overpowering. If you have noticed that your loved one seems lost in conversation, struggles to hear over the phone or they are seeming to draw away from activities they once loved, then please take it upon yourself to express your concerns around their hearing ability.

Pointing Out Hearing Loss as an Act of Care

It is important to express that you are not mentioning hearing loss to a loved one to pick on them or single them out. Untreated hearing loss has many devastating side effects which reach far beyond the scope of hearing. First and foremost, hearing loss is a communication disorder, making it not only difficult to hear and participate in conversation but ultimately exhausting. What may be casual conversation to someone with healthy hearing can cause someone with hearing loss to withdraw from conversation and avoid social situations, causing chronic depression, anxiety and isolation over the years. 

In addition to the emotional effects of hearing loss, even the early stages of hearing loss are linked to cognitive decline, increasing the risk of developing dementia later in life. Hearing loss has also been found to increase the risk of accidents as they are less aware of their environment. It is very common for people with hearing loss to be in denial of their loss but putting this off can only make matters worse. It may feel daunting to suggest it’s time to have a loved one’s hearing tested but think of it as a health concern that can help them maintain a higher quality of life in the future.

Choosing the Right Time and Place

Because of the suspected disability, it is a good idea to pick a place to speak to them where they will be able to hear their best. Pick a time when they are calm and undistracted in a quiet location. For instance, in the midst of a misunderstanding due to hearing loss, when you may both be stressed may cause resistance or contention rather than the desired effect. Make sure the room is well lit so the person with suspected hearing loss can rely on visual cues such as facial expression and lip reading to help them hear.

Explain How Their Hearing Loss Affects You

Avoid using ‘you statements”. For instance, saying “you never listen” can cause resistance instead of the desired effect. In comparison, try using I statements such as “I find that I have to repeat myself frequently”. In a lot of cases your loved one has already been suspecting they have a hearing loss but hearing it from a loved one may be the inspiration to take the leap and deal with their condition. 

Together, you can schedule an appointment to find out the best options to treat a hearing loss and get back to enjoying the life you love. And when the time comes, we’re here to help! Contact us when you are ready to schedule an appointment.